We seasonally stock a wide variety of summer and winter annual and perennial grasses, legumes, and grains. Whether you're interested in improving your soil's nutrition, grazing livestock, attracting wildlife, or simply greening your lawn, check out our seed selection! We also have a wealth of resources and can provide consultations on pastures, lawns, and soil improvement for cover cropping. Just ask for Hillary or Melinda at the counter. We're happy to help!
As you are planning, here are a couple of other resources that may be helpful...
Need to know seeding rates for particular crops? Check out the Forage Planting Guide for North Carolina.
Want to plant a cover crop for your garden but not sure where to get started? Check out our notes from 2013's Agricultural Extension Workshop on Cover Crops.
And while we are on the topic of Extension, if you haven't met your county's extension agents, well... what are you waiting for? Especially if you are in Chatham County! We have rock star Chatham County extension agents, and these guys and gals get paid to help you! In fact, in order for them to have continued funding, they must prove at the end of each year that they were of service to their county's residents and growers so they need you as much as you need them. Extension agents can provide a whole host of resources from classes to site visits to address particular issues in your garden, pasture, or landscape.
And of course, you're always welcome to stop by and chat with us, call, or email! We're here to help.