Posted November 30th, 2019

Hey Kids! Drop Off Your Letters to Santa Here!
Be sure to print your address neatly so Santa will write you back
I think we can all agree this has been quite the year! We've all dealt with challenges that prior to the pandemic we could have never imagined. The past few weeks, I have been troubled by something that for some of you may seem completely trivial and maybe even ridiculous... What do I do about Santa? You see, my kids are nearing that age where the magic of Christmas starts to wear away. But at ages 8 and 10, Aidan and Summer are still firm believers. They know about shopping mall Santas, but they also know that Mommy is friends with the real Santa, and the real Santa always makes time for a visit at Mommy's store. For those of you who have been to the store during one of Santa's visits, you know what I’m talking about. From the friendly reminders to always wear a bicycle helmet and eat your veggies, to the soft cuddles of little ones who meet Santa for the first time, it’s magical. As you have probably figured out by now, Santa isn’t coming to the store this year. Santa gave me the name of a shopping mall Santa who got a trial Covid vaccine and is willing to do the gig... but it just didn't seem right... for so many reasons.
After much pondering, I finally came up with a Covid-safe idea that just might save the magic of Christmas for my kids and your kids, too. Santa has authorized our store to be an official North Pole collection site for letters to Santa!
My kids helped me build and paint this mailbox this week. My son proudly declared, "It's a mailbox made by kids, and it's for kids!" You'll find this mailbox just outside of our green showroom doors. There are two mailboxes: one that is reachable for the toddlers and a taller one for the bigger kids.
Santa has sent his elf, Daisy, to keep watch over the mailbox and carry the letters back to the North Pole. Daisy is wearing a face mask to keep everyone safe! Each week, Elf Daisy will deliver these letters back to Santa, and EVERY KID who sends a letter with a NEATLY PRINTED ADDRESS will receive a special SURPRISE in the mail, direct from the North Pole!
So calling all Moms, Dads, Grandmas, and Grandpas! Let's make some magic happen! Bring your little ones by the store to drop off their letters with their addresses on them. Don't forget the zip code! And while you are at it, pick up a bag of this magic reindeer corn to leave out for Santa's team of reindeer on Christmas Eve. Don’t wait too late because we all know how backed up the US Postal System is these days. I can only imagine how long it takes for a letter to travel from The North Pole to North Carolina!
I challenge all of you who are reading this to find your own ways to spread some warmth and joy to others over the holidays. May the spirit of Santa live on in all kinds of creative ways this season.
Warm Virtual Hugs,