Posted September 26th, 2015

Now Featuring Native Pollinator Mix
Be a bee's best friend and beautify your landscape to boot! This pack of seed includes all hand harvested native wildflower seeds. Sow in the Fall in a prepared bed, rake in lightly and let the plants do the rest! Not intended for mowing; leave space undisturbed for best results. The above picture features early flowering of the quickest germinators (Rudbekia hirta, Gallardia, and Asters). Expect other flowers to follow and for something to be in bloom most of the year.
$15.50 per 1000 square feet of coverage!
The mix includes the following...
- Canada Wild Rye
- Virginia Wild Rye
- Eastern Gammagrass
- Little Bluestem
- Indian Grass
- Purple Top
- Bidens
- Partridge Pea
- Lance Leaf Tickseed
- Indian Blanket
- Common Yarrow
- Blackeyed Susan
- Cone Flower
- Wild Senna
- Swamp Sunflower
- Maximilian's Sunflower
- Blue Vervain
- Butterfly Weed
- Spotted Beebalm
- Heather Aster