Posted January 15th, 2025

Please email all orders to or call the store (919) 542-3353 to ask for Kyle and place your order directly with him.
We are partnering with Beez Needz to provide our local beekeepers with packages and NUCs for 2025. These sales are based on pre-orders only. Sorry, but we do not have live bees available for sale on a walk-in basis.
Honeybees are delicate and perishable. WE ARE NOT ABLE TO HOLD BEES BEYOND THEIR ARRIVAL DATE or DELIVER BEES once they have arrived.
We do NOT offer refunds for bees that go unclaimed or do not take to their hive once you get them home.
For more info on booking your bees through us, here are the details…
Explanation of terminology:
Bee Pack: This contains 3# pounds of worker bees and a laying queen. They are in a box and you need to supply all the rest. They are similar to day-old chicks in their need to be situated as soon as possible into a full sized hive for best success. Have all hive supplies and materials in place and install your pack into your hive the same day you pick up your pack(s). You may want to have sugar water, feeders and pollen patties or powder available for them so they have everything they need to start drawing comb once they're in their hive body.
Bee Nuc: This is short for "Nucleus Colony". One Bee Nuc includes workers, a laying queen, 5 frames of drawn out comb, eggs, brood all in a box that looks like a mini hive. These ladies are ready to hit the ground running! If you're a new bee keeper, this is the way to go for best success since they're already partly established. Like with packs, you'll want to get your nuc situated into a full sized hive as soon as you get home because they need the space to expand the colony ASAP. It's easiest to do this on day one. As with packs, you may want to have sugar water, feeders and pollen substitutes ready to offer them while they get established.
2025 Package Day – April 5 (Weather Pending)
Packages are $145 each and include 3 pounds of Italian bees and a MARKED queen_ origin: Georgia.
Due to their perishability, we do not order any extra packs for walk-in sales.
2025 NUC Day - TBA - mid March (Weather Pending)
NUCs are $205 and include five frames of bees with a mated queen in a NUC box.
Due to their perishability, we do not order any extra Nucs for walk-in sales.
We will let everyone know firm arrival dates for nuc day as soon as it has been set and we will confirm this date via email to the group. Please check your email to ensure that you are receiving our order confirmations. This is how we plan to communicate with you about your order. If you placed an order and have not received an email, please email Kyle so he can address it at
See our Beekeeping Supply List attached below! Pricing may shift as new inventory for 2024 arrives, but for now, use last year's list for your reference.
Most of what we offer in the 'Bee Hive' equipment section of our store is listed here.
For larger orders or if you are traveling from afar, you may find it useful to use this supply list as an order form and submit it to us in advance of pick up so we may pull supplies together for you. This can make your shopping experience more efficient and ensure that everything you need will be in stock, assembled, and ready when you come to pick up. If this is of interest to you, please email us your wish list of supplies to along with a good contact phone number so we can let you know when your order is pulled and ready for pick up.