Posted March 21st, 2014

We feel lucky to be in Chatham County, a home to so many local farmers who are growing nutritious foods free from synthetic chemicals, GMO seeds, and other nasty junk you find in most mainstream food streams. Several years ago we recognized the need for Chatham County’s sustainable and organic farmers to have a local source for their supplies. We were shocked that most growers were having to ship their supplies in from other states, paying exorbitant shipping fees and ordering a year’s worth of product at one time, making storage and cash flow difficult. We began sourcing the products that CSA and market farmers needed, and we are now proud to have the largest selection of natural and organic soil amendments, pest controls, and other farming supplies in the Triangle and possibly the state!
Being in the heart of Chatham County, farmers from all over the state travel here to take classes through CCCC’s Sustainable Ag program, participate in workshops by our stellar cooperative extension agent, Debbie Roos, attend Farm Show and Tells hosted by our many local, rockstar farmers, and tour many more farms along the Piedmont Farm Tour hosted by our very own CFSA. We are glad that while visiting Chatham County, our store has become a must stop destination for these growers. If you are planning to visit the area and want to make sure we have certain supplies here when you arrive, feel free to call or email in advance and we’ll pull your order together and have it ready for you when you walk in the door.
Our goal is to have what growers need, when they need it, and at the best prices possible. You can help us meet that goal! We are always looking for feedback on what we’re carrying and better ways to buy bulk, pool orders, and reduce costs for everyone. Please let us know if you have certain products you’re looking for that we don’t currently stock. We will do our best to get them. Most of our selection of farming supplies can be contributed to the guidance of farmers who have taken the time to help us find the right products from the right sources. Many of our supplies come from Seven Springs Farm in Virginia. We get shipments 1-2 times each season and can help keep pricing low for everyone by minimizing shipping fees and making sure these trucks are as full as possible. We currently are stocking ton quantities of most items, but if you are looking for two or more tons of product, call us and we can offer additional savings to you by adding your order on one of our trucks. We also bring in and bag our own bulk feather meal, offer bulk worm castings, buy truckloads of Harmony straight from NY, coordinate group orders for certain crops, and have many other hard to find supplies needed to grow healthy food using environmentally sound practices.
To learn more or join our Farmer's Newsletter and find out when we are coordinating bulk orders, feather meal bagging days, and more - or you may contact us.