Posted April 5th, 2014

Growing Small Farms
We are so fortunate to have a rock star extension agent, Debbie Roos, in our county! I have customers from all parts of the state tell me how fortunate we are to have Debbie as our extension agent. That’s why Debbie has followers far and wide, well beyond the Chatham County line. Growing Small Farms website is Debbie’s creation, and it is chock full of resources, farmer recommendations, how tos, awesome pictures, and more. Whether a farmer or home gardener, I guarantee you’ll learn something new each and every time you visit this site! Check it out! You won’t be disappointed!
Forage Planting Guide for North Carolina
This is one of our most used documents in the store. Although it’s a link on Debbie’s Growing Small Farms site, we thought it deserves a separate link here, too!
Carolina Farm Stewardship Association
What’s awesome about being in Pittsboro? We have so many cool resources literally within footsteps of one another. The Carolina Farm Stewardship Association is right across the street from us and does amazing things, from planning super fun Farm Tours to advocating food policies to protect small farmers. Their annual Sustainable Ag Conference is well worth the visit and is a superb motivational, educational, and networking opportunity.
CCCC Sustainable Agriculture Program
Whether enrolling in the full two year program or participating in one of their evening classes, our local community college offers a fantastic learning experience for farmers and avid home growers. The student farm is also a great stop on the Piedmont Farm Tour or when any other local events open it to the public. I get inspired by something new I see every time I visit!
Seven Springs Farm
We are a dealer for Seven Springs and source many of our organic soil amendments and pest controls through them. Although we stock many of Seven Springs’ products year round, we have access to all of their products and are happy to special order non-stock items for you to come on our next delivery. Seven Springs has put a great deal of effort into detailing their products online with product descriptions, application rates, MSDS sheets, and certification documents. We recommend using their site as a resource to learn more about the products we carry in our store and to explore other items we may be able to order in the future.
Cackle Hatchery
For as long as we’ve been selling chicks, we’ve been ordering from Cackle Hatchery, a family owned and operated hatchery in Lebanon, Missouri. Our chicks come in healthy, and we have very good success rates with chicks being sexed accurately. (Keep in mind, no one’s perfect, but we have heard horror stories coming out of other hatceries.) In addition to our chick schedule of birds arriving March through June, we also happily special order birds for our customers. Check out Cackle Hatchery’s website and let us know what you want.
Livestock Conservancy (Formerly Known as ALBC)
This is another great resource right here in the heart of Pittsboro! As more and more attention is brought to sustainable agriculture, there is increasing emphasis on raising heritage breeds of livestock. The folks at the Livestock Conservancy will assist with educating about various breeds, sourcing them, and providing specific advice for care that may differ from commercial breeds of livestock. The website has great photos and information, especially if you are interested in heritage chickens, of which we carry many of the varieities in our store!
last edited - 4/3/14