all plants on sale & 50% off!

HERBS & FLOWERS:  Find these in the front greenhouse.  Some of the veggies have been moved up front this week, as well.

VEGGIE TRANSPLANTS:  The selection is still really good & plants are in great condition.  Come see us if if you loose anything or have room for a second planting of canning tomatoes, specialty peppers or eggplant!. 

For those of you who missed out on sweet potato slips, we potted up some of each variety into gallon pots and they can be found out back with the veggie starts.

Roselle Tea Hibiscus is here in the front greenhouse!  Sorry to those who have waited, but our source for ginger didn't pan out this year due to lack of supply. 

Here's where to look if you're coming for plants:

Front Greenhouse:  Herbs, annual flowers, perennials, natives, grasses, ferns, bananas & elephant ears

Back Garden Center:  Warm season vegetable transplants & fruiting perennials. 

Stay tuned to the Garden Center Availability list to see what's landed.  We update this list weekly and things may sell out from the time we post the list to when you come see us.  Give us a call to see if what you're looking for is still available if you have a long drive.  We are unable to hold plants for folks; it's first come, first served.  We request that all plants are purchased and taken from the property at time of payment.  We are unable to hold plants for folks with the amount of traffic we get on a daily basis.  We thank you for working with us!

Follow us on Instagram @ country_farm_home to be the first to know about our newest arrivals!