Posted May 21st, 2020

Harvest, Preserve, and Enjoy Later
With a record number of people planting gardens and growing their own food in our community this year, we think this will be a record year for canning, too. Several weeks ago, not long after the pandemic started, Hillary and I sat down on a Saturday afternoon and ordered more canning supplies then we have brought into this store in the last 10 years combined. Yep, that’s right! But here’s the bad news. I am sure you have heard about supply chain issues related to COVID-19. Well, canning supplies are not immune. We only received about 2/3 of our order and we don’t know when or even if we will get the rest of our order. This is kind of the way everything is going these days.
However, we also know that lots of stores who waited until later to order aren’t getting anything at all. Ball Jar says they are so covered up with orders they don’t think they’ll ever catch up this season. That’s why we are posting availability here now so you can plan ahead, too, and secure what you will need when you harvest. You are welcome to come in the store, browse our displays, and purchase at the counter, but if you are still trying to limit your contact, we have attached an order form here for you to use to select what you want, email back your list, and we will pull it and call you for payment and curbside pick up.
Important: Please don't ask us for items you do not see listed on the document below. Hillary and I basically ordered everything Ball makes, so if it isn't listed below, it means they didn't have it in inventory and did not ship it to us. They are being completely unresponsive to the status of this remaining order. Please know that if we receive the rest of our shipment, we will update this website and post a notice in our newsletter. Until then, be happy with what ya got!